Thursday, July 23, 2009

Babies Cord Care

Video Babies Cord Care

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How To Give Baby Breastfeeding

Video How To Give Baby Breastfeeding

Friday, June 26, 2009

Underwire Nursing Bras In Baby Breastfeeding

The advantages & disadvantages of underwire nursing bras

In your quest for the perfect nursing bra, you have probably heard a lot about underwire nursing bras. While some people rave about them, others recommend avoiding them, leaving you absolutely confused.

To help eliminate any confusion, here is a closer look at some of the disadvantages and advantages that come with underwire nursing bras. In the end, your decision should be based on what will ultimately make your breastfeeding experience comfortable and positive.

The disadvantages
Here are some disadvantages of underwire nursing bras to consider before you decide.

* Underwire nursing bras should not be slept in. Just like traditional underwire bras, it is recommended that women avoid sleeping in a nursing bra that has an underwire. This is an important factor for new moms to consider since many women prefer having some sort of support throughout the night.
* Wearing them could lead to blocked milk ducts or mastitis. If the underwire puts too much pressure on the breast, or more specifically, a milk duct, it could cause blocked ducts or mastitis. It's important to note, that this can be avoided by only selecting underwire nursing bras that fit properly.

The advantages
While there are many women that prefer softcup nursing bras, there are just as many women that enjoy underwire nursing bras.

* Superior support: Underwire nursing bras provide undoubtedly the most support compared to any of the other types available. This is especially important for women with larger breasts.
* Familiarity: The option of an underwire nursing bra is very attractive to women who wore bras with underwires prior to pregnancy simply because that's what they are familiar with and prefer.

How to decide?
Now that you have more information on underwire nursing bras, you can make an informed decision. Besides carefully considering each aspect and speaking to your doctor or a lactation consultant, the best way to decide is simply to try several underwire nursing bras on and compare them to softcups.

Underwire Nursing Bras In Baby Breastfeeding Video

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Seamless Nursing Bras In Baby Breastfeeding

Seamless nursing bras create a polished look

It may seem impossible to find a nursing bra that provides the same polished look that you enjoyed prior to your pregnancy. If you are frustrated with tacky lines and bunches, then seamless nursing bras may be the way to go.

What makes seamless nursing bras so special?
Typically made of a cotton-lycra blend, these bras offer a smooth, sleek, seamless look. The fabric enables them to stretch a bit, which offers superior support as your breast size fluctuates. Available with a softcup or an underwire, the natural look and exceptional support seamless nursing bras provide makes them a favorite among nursing moms.

What to look for in seamless nursing bras
Here are a couple of factors to keep in mind as you shop for seamless nursing bras:

* A proper fit: While it's inevitable that the size of your breast will fluctuate a bit as you breastfeed, you still need to take the time to ensure you select one that fits properly. Late pregnancy is often the best time to buy one.
* Style: There are seamless nursing bras available that enable one cup to be opened with a flap while others require the entire piece be pushed up or aside in order to feed the baby. Carefully consider which style you would think would be easiest for you.
* Brand: It's often better to invest a little bit more in a brand you know will last rather than just buying the cheapest seamless nursing bras available. Medela or Bravado are two quality brands to consider for seamless nursing bras.

Softcup Nursing Bras In Baby Breastfeeding

Keep comfortable with softcup nursing bras

If you plan on breastfeeding your newborn, a comfortable nursing bra that offers support and convenience is a necessity. Softcup nursing bras are a popular choice among women because they provide all three: comfort, support, and convenience.

What's the difference?
Unlike underwire nursing bras, softcup nursing bras provide support without requiring an underwire. In fact, many lactation consultants recommend them to new moms because of this. Research has shown that an underwire could potentially clog a milk duct by digging into the breast tissue. Lactation consultants even advise women who typically wore an underwire bra prior to pregnancy to try softcup nursing bras during the first couple weeks of breastfeeding.

Types of softcup nursing bras
There are essentially two types of softcup nursing bras: with flaps or without flaps.

With flaps: This style is designed with a discreet flap, which easily opens and closes the cup in order to eliminate having to remove the entire piece for feeding time. The flap typically opens from the top or the middle to reveal the breast that is needed to feed the baby.

Without flaps: There also are softcup nursing bras available without flaps. These are designed to be lifted above the breasts or pushed to the side during feeding time.

Large Selection Available
Don't assume that you can't have a pretty and feminine bra just because you are breastfeeding. You might be surprised at the variety of softcup nursing bras that are available. From pretty lace to comfortable cotton, they come in a number of styles and colors.

However, try not to get too caught up in the style or color. The ultimate goal is to find softcup nursing bras that provide you with the comfort and convenience you desire throughout breastfeeding.
Softcup Nursing Bras In Baby Breastfeeding Video

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two Months Old Baby Breastfeeding Youtube Video

Two Months Old Baby Breastfeeding Youtube Video

Breastfeeding Advantages

Breastfeeding your newborn has many advantages. Perhaps most important, breast milk is the perfect food for a human baby's digestive system. It contains the vitamins and minerals that a newborn requires, and all of its components — lactose, protein (whey and casein), and fat — are easily digested by a newborn's immature system. Commercial formulas try to imitate breast milk, and come close, but the exact composition cannot be duplicated.

Also, breast milk contains antibodies that help protect infants from a wide variety of infectious diseases, including diarrhea. Studies suggest that breastfed babies are less likely to develop certain medical problems, including diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, and allergies. Breastfeeding may also decrease the chances that the child will become overweight or obese.

Breastfeeding is great for moms, too. It burns calories and helps shrink the uterus, so nursing moms get back into shape quicker. Breastfeeding may also protect mom from breast and ovarian cancer.[]

Some moms find breastfeeding easier and quicker than formula-feeding; it needs no preparation, and you don't run out of breast milk in the middle of the night. Also, breastfeeding costs little. Nursing mothers do need to eat more and may want to buy nursing bras and pads, a breast pump, or other equipment. But these expenses are generally less than the cost of formula.

Breastfeeding meets a variety of emotional needs for both moms and babies — the skin-to-skin contact can enhance the emotional connection, and providing complete nourishment can help a new mother feel confident in her ability to care for her newborn.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Newborn Breastfeeding Breast or Bottle?

How you feed your newborn is the first nutrition decision you will make for your child. Take a closer look at these guidelines for breastfeeding and bottle-feeding so you can make an informed decision.
Breast or Bottle?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other professional groups concerned with the care of newborns advocate breastfeeding as best for your baby. Specifically, the AAP recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for about the first 6 months. Following the introduction of solid foods, breastfeeding should continue through the first year of life and beyond, if desired.

Breastfeeding may not be possible or preferable for all women. Deciding to breastfeed or bottle-feed a baby is usually based on the mother's comfort level with breastfeeding as well as her lifestyle, but breastfeeding may not be recommended for some mothers and babies. If you have any questions about whether to breastfeed your child, talk to your pediatrician.

Remember, your baby's nutritional and emotional needs will be met whether you choose to breastfeed or formula-feed.

Learn How Newborn Breastfeeding

Breast feeding Facts, Breast Milk Baby Benefits, Nutrition

Breast feeding Facts, Breast Milk Baby Benefits, Nutrition With Video

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Selection Of Nursing Bras In Baby Breastfeeding

Birth & Baby offer large selection of nursing bras
With over 50 different styles, 24 brands, and sizes ranging from 32A to 48KK, it's no wonder that woman often turn to BirthandBaby for nursing bras. Such a large selection is definitely an advantage, but may be overwhelming to new moms. This guide will help you make your way through all the BirthandBaby nursing bras and find one that's perfect.

Getting started
Anyone will tell you that a proper fit is the most important factor in a nursing bra. This can be challenging because breast size tends to fluctuate slightly during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The last month of pregnancy is the best time to be fit for Birth andBaby nursing bras.

If possible, take the time to try on a couple different styles of Birth andBaby nursing bras. Consider the following aspects of each one:

* Does all of your breast tissue fit in the cup?
* If there is lace, is it located in a place that won't cause irritation?
* Does the band fit snugly under your breasts?
* Do you like the opening style of the cup?
* How does it look under your shirt?

Indulge a bit
Purchasing BirthandBaby nursing bras that fit properly and are comfortable and attractive isn't something you will regret. Allow yourself some time to look at the large variety of BirthandBaby nursing bras that are available and find a couple that you will truly enjoy wearing. After all, this is a purchase that you have to use on a daily basis.

Be a smart consumer
Here are a couple of buying tips to help you identify the right one for you.

* Don't waste money on maternity bras. Instead, invest your money in BirthandBaby nursing bras. You can use them at the end of your pregnancy as well as when you begin breastfeeding.
* When choosing among all the BirthandBaby nursing bras available consider the fit, fabric, style, strap, and expandability.
* Remember, ultimately you get what you pay for so take the time to select quality BirthandBaby nursing bras that will endure your breastfeeding months.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breast Feeding - Thumb sucking habit

Thumb sucking habit

Thumb sucking habit is normally found in younger children, and it usually stops at 5 -7 years old. If this continues until 6-8 years old, thumb sucking habit affects tooth growth or mouth shape, we should consult pediatrician or a dentist.
Many parents misunderstand that using a pacifier could be harmful to baby. In fact, it is somewhat useful in case of the baby prefers sucking something else rather than a milk bottle. This idea is not suggested when the baby is hungry or waiting for food because it may aggravate him. The best way is to allow him to make his own choice of when to use it. Pacifier sometimes helps the baby to sleep comfortably, but the baby will wake up every time it falls off and will cry until it is put back in his mouth. Do not solve the case by tiding it around the baby’s wrist or hanging around his neck; it could be fatal. Thus, thumb sucking is better for the baby in this case.
Choice of pacifier and practice tips.[]
Pacifier must be soft and at least an inch big to prevent chocking. It must be steamed for sanitation purpose. We should carry a spare one in case the one using is dropped of lost. Do not tide it around the baby’s wrist, or hang around his neck, or even tide it around the bed because it could be harmful to the baby. Avoid using the kind that used for the milk bottle because it may slip into the baby’s throat. Check on the color and tearing occasionally. The first tip to counter thumb sucking habit or a pacifier is not to pay much attention to him when he does so; he may quit afterwards. Avoid using verbal abuse, making fun of, or punishment. It may cause more stress to him. Kid over 3 years of age likes to suck his thumb during leisure time. Try finding him other things to do and reward him for good behave and not sucking his thumb. Complement and star awarding chart methods are recommended.
If the problem persists and he refuses to quit it., try wrapping his thumb with plastic adhesive tape. If the habit affect tooth growth or the habit continues, consult a dentist. The dentist will place a tongue guard in his mouth to prevent the thumb from pressing against the upper gum and teeth. The device will annoy the kid when he sucks his thumb and eventually quits the habit.
In general, stress could cause the baby to suck his thumb or a pacifier but when he get into school age, he will quit himself to avoid friends making fun of him. Some kids may do it during bedtime as it causes less harm to him than forcing him to quit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Breast Feeding : Help generating baby’s cleverness

Help generating baby’s cleverness on baby breast feeding

In the first 6 months after birth, the brain will rapidly develop itself. It is a great opportunity for mommy to nourish the baby’s brain. During this period, the nerve cells inside the brain will multiply themselves into network to develop brain system. Sense stimulation and nourishment are essential for children of this age.
The minutes after birth, the child feels warm in mother’s arms with his face close to mother’s breasts. This will automatically allow the child to acknowledge the touch and responses by drinking breast milk from mother. It is the way to generate the first sense of taste to the baby and the beginning of brain development after the birth. It also stimulates breast milk producing believed to be the best nutrition for brain growth development.
There are more than 200 kinds of nutrition which help generating nerve cells and brain cells, particularly nerve growth factors, contained only in breast milk and they are essential to human child and its brain.
Phospholipids, essential fatty acids or EFA, DHA and AA fatty acids contained in breast milk will be important generating factors to generate myelin sheath that helps sending – receiving learning ability systematically, completely, and rapidly for brain functioning.
Based on a long-run research in Denmark on 3,000 sampling cases, children who were breast-fed for 9 months or longer gained the average I.Q level at 104 while the children who were less than a month of breast feeding had the average I.Q level at 99.4.
Besides essential nutrition, breast feeding stimulates the rest of baby’s sensing nerves. It helps brain nerves to multiply themselves. The more mother hold her child, the more stimulation will be. If breast feeding in mother’s warm arms can be done at least 8 – 10 times daily, it would repeat brain recognition cycle. If not, the brain nerves will lose their multiplication and become pruning and will soon be eliminated.[]
Not only higher I.Q. levels can be obtained through breast feeding, but also does the mother ‘s body will yield out happy hormone “ endorphin “ providing desirable mood for mother herself, and pass it to the baby through warm hug, eye contact, smile, and talking. Warm relationship between mother and the baby helps inner pleasure and good emotional development.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Breast feeding - How can something so natural be so difficult

How can something so natural be so difficult
on baby breast feeding

For many women, myself included, breast feeding can be a difficult and trying experience. It seems, to many, that it should be easy! Mothers in all areas of the world feed thier babies this way, and it should just come naturally, right? Well, for the lucky, yes. For most of us, not so much.
As part of my DONA training I have to take an intensive breastfeeding workshop and attend other overview classes. I plan on compiling a list of useful links and facts here, to help women who choose to breastfeed, and those just thinking about it. Speaking as a woman who has done exclusivity formula feeding and exclusively breast feeding, breastfeeding my daughter was the best decision
[BREAST FEEDING on]I've ever made! And I would make it again in a heartbeat but I couldn't have done it without the support that I recieved from the lactation consultants I meet.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pregnant lady in Baby Breast Feeding

Pregnant lady in Baby Breast Feeding