Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breast Feeding - Thumb sucking habit

Thumb sucking habit

Thumb sucking habit is normally found in younger children, and it usually stops at 5 -7 years old. If this continues until 6-8 years old, thumb sucking habit affects tooth growth or mouth shape, we should consult pediatrician or a dentist.
Many parents misunderstand that using a pacifier could be harmful to baby. In fact, it is somewhat useful in case of the baby prefers sucking something else rather than a milk bottle. This idea is not suggested when the baby is hungry or waiting for food because it may aggravate him. The best way is to allow him to make his own choice of when to use it. Pacifier sometimes helps the baby to sleep comfortably, but the baby will wake up every time it falls off and will cry until it is put back in his mouth. Do not solve the case by tiding it around the baby’s wrist or hanging around his neck; it could be fatal. Thus, thumb sucking is better for the baby in this case.
Choice of pacifier and practice tips.[]
Pacifier must be soft and at least an inch big to prevent chocking. It must be steamed for sanitation purpose. We should carry a spare one in case the one using is dropped of lost. Do not tide it around the baby’s wrist, or hang around his neck, or even tide it around the bed because it could be harmful to the baby. Avoid using the kind that used for the milk bottle because it may slip into the baby’s throat. Check on the color and tearing occasionally. The first tip to counter thumb sucking habit or a pacifier is not to pay much attention to him when he does so; he may quit afterwards. Avoid using verbal abuse, making fun of, or punishment. It may cause more stress to him. Kid over 3 years of age likes to suck his thumb during leisure time. Try finding him other things to do and reward him for good behave and not sucking his thumb. Complement and star awarding chart methods are recommended.
If the problem persists and he refuses to quit it., try wrapping his thumb with plastic adhesive tape. If the habit affect tooth growth or the habit continues, consult a dentist. The dentist will place a tongue guard in his mouth to prevent the thumb from pressing against the upper gum and teeth. The device will annoy the kid when he sucks his thumb and eventually quits the habit.
In general, stress could cause the baby to suck his thumb or a pacifier but when he get into school age, he will quit himself to avoid friends making fun of him. Some kids may do it during bedtime as it causes less harm to him than forcing him to quit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Breast Feeding : Help generating baby’s cleverness

Help generating baby’s cleverness on baby breast feeding

In the first 6 months after birth, the brain will rapidly develop itself. It is a great opportunity for mommy to nourish the baby’s brain. During this period, the nerve cells inside the brain will multiply themselves into network to develop brain system. Sense stimulation and nourishment are essential for children of this age.
The minutes after birth, the child feels warm in mother’s arms with his face close to mother’s breasts. This will automatically allow the child to acknowledge the touch and responses by drinking breast milk from mother. It is the way to generate the first sense of taste to the baby and the beginning of brain development after the birth. It also stimulates breast milk producing believed to be the best nutrition for brain growth development.
There are more than 200 kinds of nutrition which help generating nerve cells and brain cells, particularly nerve growth factors, contained only in breast milk and they are essential to human child and its brain.
Phospholipids, essential fatty acids or EFA, DHA and AA fatty acids contained in breast milk will be important generating factors to generate myelin sheath that helps sending – receiving learning ability systematically, completely, and rapidly for brain functioning.
Based on a long-run research in Denmark on 3,000 sampling cases, children who were breast-fed for 9 months or longer gained the average I.Q level at 104 while the children who were less than a month of breast feeding had the average I.Q level at 99.4.
Besides essential nutrition, breast feeding stimulates the rest of baby’s sensing nerves. It helps brain nerves to multiply themselves. The more mother hold her child, the more stimulation will be. If breast feeding in mother’s warm arms can be done at least 8 – 10 times daily, it would repeat brain recognition cycle. If not, the brain nerves will lose their multiplication and become pruning and will soon be eliminated.[]
Not only higher I.Q. levels can be obtained through breast feeding, but also does the mother ‘s body will yield out happy hormone “ endorphin “ providing desirable mood for mother herself, and pass it to the baby through warm hug, eye contact, smile, and talking. Warm relationship between mother and the baby helps inner pleasure and good emotional development.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Breast feeding - How can something so natural be so difficult

How can something so natural be so difficult
on baby breast feeding

For many women, myself included, breast feeding can be a difficult and trying experience. It seems, to many, that it should be easy! Mothers in all areas of the world feed thier babies this way, and it should just come naturally, right? Well, for the lucky, yes. For most of us, not so much.
As part of my DONA training I have to take an intensive breastfeeding workshop and attend other overview classes. I plan on compiling a list of useful links and facts here, to help women who choose to breastfeed, and those just thinking about it. Speaking as a woman who has done exclusivity formula feeding and exclusively breast feeding, breastfeeding my daughter was the best decision
[BREAST FEEDING on]I've ever made! And I would make it again in a heartbeat but I couldn't have done it without the support that I recieved from the lactation consultants I meet.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pregnant lady in Baby Breast Feeding

Pregnant lady in Baby Breast Feeding